


File name: cbIMG_4827b.jpg
File size: 142.11 KB
Exposure time: 1/3.3 seconds
F stop: 8.00
Focal length: 44.00 mm
Camera model: Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Additional Information:
In this photo, I set the color balance to manual and used the background of the displayed image to set the white balance. As you can see, the body of the camera is now gold. If you had time, you could use different lighting sources until you found something compatible with the light source for the display.

If you want to cheat a bit, take one photo of the camera using the display to set the white balance then take a second photo of the camera with auto white balance (or whatever works best for the light source you have). Then use the GIMP or other photo editing software to cut the color-correct display and paste it into the color-correct body. If you're using a tripod and don't move it between photos, the cut/paste job will be relatively easy. This is what it would look like (~1 minute to cut and paste).

Another option would be to take the actual photo and reduce it's size until it fit to the display window. This is what it would look like. This took a bit more time than the previous cut and paste job but it looks better.

You are free to use the images on this site for non-profit, educational purposes. If you want to use them for commercial projects, please contact me.

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